Investabills are fixed value Exchange Traded Receivables [ETR] that are Loans or Bills issued under Contract for goods and services supplied to investment quality companies or credit insured invoices from Investment Grade [IG] insurers. The Investor’s yield is achieved by purchasing Investabill ETR at a discount. The Credebt Exchange Master Agreement ensures credit liability is with the Investabill ETR debtor company, or payor of the invoice.
The Committee of European Securities Regulators [CESR] provides guidelines for generating a Synthetic Risk & Reward Indicator [SRRI] value for investments. The lowest risk SRRI value is 1 and the highest risk SRRI value is 7. The SRRI value is designed to provide Investors with a meaningful indication of the overall risk and reward profile of investing in products like Investabill™ ETR. Investabill™ ETR has a SRRI value of 2.
Investor interest/Buy rates change daily. The investment intermediary negotiates the Investor Buy rate directly with an Exchange Specialist, on behalf of the Investor. The agreed Buy rate determines the interest/yield for a fixed term. Each negotiated investment amount, interest/yield and fixed term is then confirmed by the Investor.
Investabill ETR offer a unique alternative to bank deposits with:
Trading is automated based on agreed Buy rate/interest
Liquid investment with 45-90 day ‘roll-over’
Liquidity encashment averages 75-days
Flexible & no long-term commitments
Buy rate/interest is annual yield net of all costs